Shifting Concerns
A portfolio by Sky Glabush
In a conversation between Sky Glabush and Robert Enright, the journalist and Border Crossing’s founder remarked that Sky was one of the few artists he knew who is constantly in the process of re-examining his own practice.
Over the past 15 years, he’s done this many times, moving from realist landscape paintings, to water colours, to collage and sculpture. Not simply material changes, each iteration represents a renewed questioning of his relationship with art, as well as a restlessness that characterizes both the artist and his practice.
Sky has always struck me as someone who has a distrust of things that are too self assured, too confident in their own skin. Instead, he prefers to create objects that highlight a series of questions, including that of their very own form. Viewed as a body of work, you begin to get the sense that Sky is working through a complex set of both personal and material concerns, while allowing the viewer to accompany him for the ride.
Photographed in his studio over the past three months, this portfolio represents yet another shift for Sky. Rather than focus on a conceptual premise, what has emerged is a material based study. Objects are constructed, combined, and then photographed. It speaks to an iterative process, one much more rooted in experimentation and flux than a singular overarching plan.
Towards is pleased to present Shifting Concerns here for the first time.